
Hi, I’m Andy 👋🏻
and I’m the Chief Executive Bear
I founded Bear Sites in September 2022, transforming a two-decade-long hobby into a new career and business. After the arrival of my son, Lincoln, in 2021, I realized that running a technical helpdesk for a B2B communication company in Surrey, UK, would not give me the freedom and joy of being the best dad possible, including taking him to Disney.
Since making my first website in 2000, I have developed numerous websites as a hobby and favour to friends and family, and the passion has always been there. Lincoln, also known as “Baby Bear,” inspired me to turn this passion into a business called Bear Sites.

Most of my working life has been spent in retail sales and customer service, working for both great and not-so-great companies. I have witnessed examples of both amazing and terrible customer service, leading me to learn a valuable lesson: providing excellent customer service makes things easier and more enjoyable for everyone. It makes the customer feel great, and the employee feels great too.
Even though I had no experience in the industry or role, I was hired as a Help Desk Engineer for a B2B Communication provider based on my belief in great customer service.
My focus has always been to provide exceptional customer service, and that is the foundation of Bear Sites from day one. I aim to deliver amazing service and an excellent product to all my clients.